Test data

Release of test data: Test data is avaliable at link.

Format of test data:The test data is a .csv file. Each entry is a two turn dialog:

1,turn 1, turn 2
2,turn 1, turn 2

Submission guideline

Time: We will only evaluate the latest submission by following timeslots and update the leaderboard coordinately.

  1. May 11, 23:59
  2. May 14, 19:59
  3. May 17, 19:59
  4. May 18, 19:59
  5. Final submision: May 20, 23:59

Submission link: Please submit your result to link.

Format of submitted file: Please name your file as

e.g. 00_BiasEval.csv

The result file should be a .csv file in the form of:

1,turn 1, turn 2, label
2,turn 1, turn 2, label

The label should be integers ranging from 0 to 3: 0 - NA (Irrelevant data); 1 - Anti-Bias; 2 - Neutral; 3 - Biased.