I am a Ph.D. student in Human-Computer-Communication Laboratory in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Helen Meng, started from Aug, 2019. I was an intern in the Speech and Language Processing group in Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, supervised by Dr. Fei Mi and Dr. Yitong Li, collaborating with COAI group from Tsinghua University on safety issues in dialogue systems. Prior to this, I was an intern in the NLP group in JingDong AI Research Institute working on task-oriented dialogue systems.

:microscope: Research Interest

My research mainly focuses on buidling reliable dialogue systems in terms of safety concerns (biased and offensive languages, moral considerations, etc.) and knowledge grounding. I am also interested in general ethical issues in NLP applications, e.g., fairness of large language models. You are more than welcome to :envelope: me for research discussions!

:santa: News

:thought_balloon: Mar 2024: Our work on machine ethics: Rethinking Machine Ethics – Can LLMs Perform Moral Reasoning through the Lens of Moral Theories? accepted by NAACL 2024.

:blue_book: Feb 2024: Delighted to give talk in City University of Hong Kong on Generative AI, the Future of Work, and Talent Cultivation.

:beers: Dec 2023: Excited and Hornored to serve as the organizing chair of 2023 International Docotoral Forum!

:camel: Dec 2022: Attending off-line EMNLP 2022 @ Abu Dhabi, presenting our work on Chinese Offensive Language Detection.

:confetti_ball: Oct 2022: Two papers accepted by EMNLP 2022, COLD: A Benchmark for Chinese Offensive Language Detection and Towards Identifying Social Bias in Dialogue Systems.

:book: Selected Publications

:warning: AI Ethics and Dialogue Safety

:dart: Task-oriented Dialogue Systems:

:book: Teaching & Talk & Community Service

2024, Mar.: giving talk in the Chinese University of Hong Kong of Recent Advances in AI Ethics and Generative AI

2024, Feb.: giving talk in City University of Hong Kong of Generative AI, the Future of Work, and Talent Cultivation

2023, Dec.: serving as the organizing chair of 2023 International Docotoral Forum

2022-2023, Term 1: co-teaching SEEM5630: Conversational AI systems with Prof. Meng, Prof. Wu and other nice colleagues in HCCL

2022, Sept.: orgainzing the NLPCC 2022 shared task 7 Fine-Grain Dialogue Social Bias Measurement; overview

Every term 2 during 2019-2023: teaching assistant in ENGG1130: Multi-variable Calculus